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“Pater Noster, qui es in Caelis:

Sanctificetur Nomen Tuum;

Adveniat Regnum Tuum;

Fiat voluntas Tua,

Sicut in caelo, et in terra.

Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;

Et dimitte nobis debita nostra,

Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;

Et ne nos inducas in tentationem;

Sed libera nos a Malo.”

“Patria” is a latin word derived from Patrius/Pater … I mean Father, Forefather. NOT! from The Great Mother, mother, mummy, granny, nanny or great grandmother! ..

For the Romans, unlike romanians, Homeland wasn’t  a Motherland; The Romans felt their homeland: Patriae – Fatherland.

JUPITER was the Name of the “Holly Father” of all Roman Fathers. His name comes from Latin: Dies-Pitar… from Greek: Zeu-Pater… from Sanskrit: Dyaus-Pitar.

The concept of PATRIAE, makes sense on the social pyramid, from the level of Patricians – UP… Some of these Patricians were able to reach the dignity of Senators (Patres Conscripti). This Title was expressing The AristoKratic Principle (Patres) and The MeritoKratic one (Conscripti) … White and Red blended together.

Pater Patriae was a title of glory for the Roman emperors. Historically speaking, our  first “Pater patriae” was Trajan! (.ie. – us: Roman legionnaires,.. Roman colonists,.. Roman’s Herdsmen,.. Vlachs,.. Romanians.

In the Mithraic Religion (Mithraism was The Religion fallen under the Christian Abjection in the IVth cent. A.D.) … PATER (Father) was Saturn (God of Eternity) … or “The One Without Beginning” – AEON. Saturn was part of the Holy Triad – together with Sol… and Mithras.

In the Mithraic Ritual, PATER was the Seventh Grade of Initiation into the “”Mysteries of The Invincible Hero”. In his Metamorphosis, Mithra “travels” from his Miraculous Birth out of The Stone (Petra Genetrix)…

… to Aeon (Saturn)… Himself.

The last two representations are of The Initiate… as Anthropos: The Apron – as a reminder of Birth out of Stone / Appearance of a Lion, The Four Wings (Winds) and Jove’s Thunderbolts on the chest – as a symbol of Initiation / The Keys of Janus in his hands – as a symbol of wisdom.

PATER PATRUM was, in the ecclesiastical hierarchy of mithraism, The Great Pontiff… having its Holy See in ROME. “Pontifex Maximus”means, literally, in Latin: “The Greatest of The Bridge Builders”


Why Christianity is an Abjection?.. Form its very beginning was a Kitsch,.. a Mithraism with no Mysteries, Addressed to All… including – Women, Slaves and Outlaws, with a Jew in the Role of The Perfect Victim.

The Miraculous Birth, The Shepherds witnessing The Birth, Baptism, Christmas, Easter, The Last Supper, The Assumption, The Key Role of Mediator between “Pater” and “Regnum”, The Noble Role of “Restitutor Orbis”, Immortality, Sacrifice, Communion, Eclesiatic Hierarchy … are all “loans” from Mithraism!

We shouldn’t overlook that all Three Monotheistic Religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam are normative for nomad, pastoral, primitive populations. In all three “Beliefs of the Desert”: Immortality it’s for Everyone, the Absolution is Imperative for the Mob, the Truth it’s Only One… and written in a Sigle Book.

Bolshevism came out of “bolshinstvo – majority” and bolshinstvo… out of “bolshe – much” and this one… out of “bolshoi – great” … Bolshevism and Nazism are all the same… with one exeption: in one case, The Hate it’s versus The Upper Classes… in the other one – about Race.


In the IVth cent. A.D. the Christianity becomes a Religion, in a “Europe” of Disciplines, Arts and Mysteries  – the Form of Religion. Constantine’s deed?.. A Plunge into Darkness and Ignorance, Common Virtues, Puny Spirit and Anarchy.

Anarchy is a word from Ancient Greek, composed of “An – without” and “Arhe – Principles, Power”.

Roman opponents of Christianity, felt their world has fallen prey to a “Spirit of Deception.”

This deception – embraced by the mob, only served to obliterate Civilization, Order and Empire. Regarding Mankind – The Monotheisms and Fanaticisms are way too “expensive” … They usually cost Time – Freezes It,.. and Life – makes It Cheaper.

However,  in his deed, Constantine was brilliant: He transformed Class Hatred and Anarchy in “a preety little toy” as an Official Gift,.. He moved the Center of the World in Byzantium, let Rome to preserve the Valor… While the Slum was “quietly” ordered  under “The Labarum” .


The second “Pater Noster” after Trajan, is Aurelian. I’m Saying “is”, ’cause in the Ist, IInd and IIIrd. cent. A.D. ,the Romans were:… SUB SPECIE AETERNITATIS… Saturn / Aeon was their “Dominus Deus”. Aurelian crushes the Goths in Dacia Traiana,.. He executes Cniva’s successor (who killed Decius in 251 A.D.),.. He ReFounds Dacia in the South of Danube – Dacia Aureliana,.. and makes the Religion of Mithras Sol Invictus – the sole Religion of the Empire.

The third “Pater” is our Kaloyan – Crowned as “Rex Blachorum  – King of the Vlachs” by Pope Innocent III in the year 1202 A.D. The Crown was a Uniate Crown – of Eastern Catholicism.

The Fourth One, was Negru Voda (The Black  Duke) in 1290 A.D.

In 1741 A.D. the Uniate Bishop – Inocentiu Micu-Klein… raises the romanian city of Blaj out of misery. He’s The First romanian in what’s going to be Romania.

Then,.. The Fouding Fathers of our Nation in the 1848: Petru Maior, Samuil Micu, Gheorghe Sincai, Mihail Kogalniceanu, Prince Ghica, Nicolae Balcescu, Ion Ghica, Alexandru Golescu, Christian Tell, Dimitrie and Ion Bratianu, Gheorghe Magheru, Stefan and Nicholae Golescu, Vasile Alecsandri, Heliade Radulescu, C.A. Rosetti, Constantin Rosenthal… followed by The Ones in Junimea Society – Maiorescu, Rosetti, Carp. All of Them have built the Romanian National Consciousness.

“Restitutio Daciae” – the European project outlined by Rudolf II in the XVI-th cent., effectively begins with Alexandru Cuza in 1862 when “Romania” reappears on the Maps of Europe,.. continues with King Carol I in 1881 when Romania becomes a Kingdom… and It ends with King Ferdinand in 1918 when Romania is at its “Heights” in modern times (a mere glimpse of the Roman Romania or even Dacia Trajana).

Is a matter of only a few MEN… they are: “Patri Nostri”…



For two thousand years we were between Eurasia and Rome. For two thousand years we are either fooled by a “Soviet-Byzantine” Orthodox Church or raised from idiocy to Reason by “A Romanesque Europe”. When we fight under the Aqvila – We are Lions… when we kneel under the Cross – We’re defeated… Damn Simple!.. And so on… “One Step Forward and Two Steps Back”…

… just like in a romanian folk-dance or in a Leninist Principle of expanding Bolshevism.

It is time for this… “Vain Swarming of Miserables” in an Eastern Province to be ended… by “The Empire”!


May AEON has PATRIA under HIS wing.

“Pater Noster, qui es in Caelis:

Sanctificetur Nomen Tuum;

Aeternum Imperium Tuum

Fiat voluntas Tua,

Sicut in caelo, et in terra.

Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;

Et dimitte nobis debita nostra,

Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;

Et ne nos inducas in tentationem;

Sed libera nos a Malo.”

Vlad Totoianu