
The Circle

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The Circle doesn’t have 360 degrees.

The Year doesn’t have 360 days.

I can’t Belive in such things.


Instead, I know … that:

The Circle has 2Pi radians or 400 centesimal degrees… i.e Tau (click).

Reality it’s about: one Point,.. one unit – Radius… and one Constant -Tau. That’s All!


Geometry and Chronology remained in the “Geocentrical” belief and Duodecimal” basis.

Geometry and Chronology should be Heliocentric and Decimal.


Geometry and Chronology are Disciplines!

Geometry and Chronology are not Oriental Beliefs!


The Circle is not “made” … with the Rapporteur!..  The circle is made by Human, by Hand, by Compass.

For the Section… you also need the Square.

For the Beginning… you need a Taken Point.


The Humanity is Given. The Human is the Quintessence. The Measure should be Humane.

We must Take what is Given.

Vlad Totoianu